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Jesse and Sarah Blaine

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Jesse and Sarah Blaine

Ministry: Associate Missionaries, Church Development

Serving In: America, previously in Cambodia

SAMS Role: Sarah - Missionary (SAMS Mission Coach), Jesse - Associate Missionary

Home Church:  Wellspring Anglican Church, Denver, CO

Starting Year with SAMS: 2015

Calling to Ministry: Sarah shares her calling journey: “I married into missions!  I've always been involved at church, but never imagined I'd live overseas. When I met Jesse it was something he had a passion for, so I agreed to go along for the ride. I am glad I did. I think everyone should live overseas. I learned what it means to live beyond my familiar comfort zone, and we built such a deep, rich community. I will always cherish those friendships I made living abroad.”

Jesse explains his calling experience: “I was born in Zambia while my parents were serving with Cru. I think this helped me see missions as more accessible and less exotic. If my ‘normal’ parents could be missionaries, then it must not be THAT hard! As I grew in faith in my teens and early twenties, I always felt a draw to consider serving God overseas. For me this took on two forms. For one, there was, what I would call an ineffable spiritual call.  This is the move of the Spirit that is hard to explain and reproduce. It is just the Lord putting something on your heart. In the other form there was the idea of the spiritual need combined with the lack of workers – as Jesus said in Matthew 9, ‘the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.’

All of this seemed to crystalize after I was serving with an orphan care ministry and was asked to consider opening an office and developing ministry in SE Asia.  At that time with prayer and the careful listening of a discernment committee, we felt the call to overseas missions in 2011.

“In Cambodia we had the privilege of serving in two capacities.  For the first four years our focus was on building up the orphan care ministry, developing a team and looking for donors to help develop sustainable finances.  Once the Lord brought us a strong Cambodian leader, we joyfully handed the ministry over to her more-than-capable hands.  While we were serving with the orphan care ministry we had the opportunity to help with the local Anglican church there in Phnom Penh.  After our transition out of the full-time work with the orphan care ministry, I was ordained as a priest and took on a full-time role with the Church of Christ Our Peace in Phnom Penh. What a joy it was to walk with both expats and Cambodians as they grew in faith and experienced transformation through the work of the Lord.”

God gave Jesse and Sarah the opportunity to help raise up Cambodian leaders in both para-church and church ministry contexts. Doing so required careful consideration of Cambodian culture. 

Mission for Ministry: As Mission Coach, Sarah seeks:

  • To pray with and help engage prospective missionaries discerning a call with SAMS
  • To encourage current missionaries by caring for their children in America
  • To help Anglican churches in America pray for missionaries

Together, Jesse and Sarah seek to share the good news of the Gospel in Colorado by planting an Anglican church.

Personal Points of Interest: Sarah loves to play games (especially ZAR!), add extra chocolate chips to the cookie dough, and read chapter books with their girls. Jesse loves spending time with his family as well as almost any activity outdoors.  Lately, Jesse works hard to develop his disc golf skills (it's free to play!), and spends time on hikes when he can. 

Favorite Bible Verse: Romans 5:3